Toowoomba Regional Council

Environment Grant (Rd 2, 2024-25)

This is a preview of the Application Form - Environment Grant - 2-2425 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Applicant Eligibility - who can and can't apply?

* indicates a required field.

Financial support is available for Australian-based not-for-profits and community organisations/groups. For many organisations, obtaining financial support via a grants process can mean they continue to do good work in their community. Whether you're new to grant writing, or have been doing it for years, all intending applicants are encouraged to review and understand Council's Environment Grant Guidelines prior to submitting an application. Organisations can apply for a Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) Environment Grant if:

  • They are deemed eligible or are under the auspices of an eligible community organisation as defined in Community Grants Policy.
  • They operate or provide a service/s within the Toowoomba Regional Council area.
  • The application is for a project that does not form part of the core business of public and private educational institutions (primary, secondary and tertiary including Parents & Citizens and Parents & Friends Associations) and demonstrates broader community benefit.
  • They are registered as a not-for-profit entity and recognised by the Australian Taxation Office or Australian Securities and Investments Commission in at least one (1) of the following categories:
    • Incorporated entity
    • Other incorporated entity with an ABN
    • Australian Public Company, limited by guarantee
    • Charitable Institution
    • Public Benevolent Institution (PBI)
    • Health Promotion Charity (HPC)  

The following are not eligible to apply for Council's support grants:

  • Individuals
  • For-profit companies, Trusts and other organisations.
  • Government, semi-government organisations and statutory authorities.
  • Unions and student guilds.
  • Research foundations.
  • Professional associations.
  • An organisation that has been granted approval for support through a TRC funding program for the same project.
  • Organisations that have not acquitted previous Council grants within the advised acquittal timeframes.
  • Recipients who have previously defaulted on Terms and Conditions associated with TRC support funding.

Privacy Notice

Toowoomba Regional Council is collecting and managing your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and the Public Records Act 2002 for the purpose of remaining in contact with you, administrating, assessing and awarding community grants. The information provided in this form and supporting documents will be accessed by authorised members of Toowoomba Regional Council. The information provided on your grant application and in any related documentation and discussions may be provided to members of the assessment panel to assist Council in processing your grant application. By submitting an application you consent to Council publishing the applicant's name, project description and amount funded on our website and Council endorsed publications. This information may also be used for promoting Council's grants program. To understand how your personal information is managed, refer to Council’s Privacy, copyright, disclaimer & accessibility guidelines.

By using this form you agree with the handling of your information as described above and in Council’s Privacy, copyright, disclaimer & accessibility guidelines. * Required

Before you begin!

It's important your application is assessed under the correct program, or you may not be successful. To see which application form best aligns to your activity/project/event, and to understand what's required to successfully receive and acquit a funding application, click hereCouncil's funding programs have separate application forms with individual guidelines for each program. This may mean you're required to provide additional detail or supporting information depending on which application form aligns with your activity/project/event. If you're unsure if an Environment Grant Application Form is the right form for your activity/project, or you require assistance in aligning your activity/project with a funding program, contact Council on 131 872 and request to speak with a Community Development Officer. 

Yes, I have sought guidance from Council staff and my activity/project aligns with the * Required